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Managing Contacts in the Support Portal

Managing Contacts in the Support Portal
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Managing Contacts in the Support Portal

time  May 14, 24 • Knowledge • Article Number: 000002733

How do I manage contacts for our company and how do I add or remove Support Portal users in the Kong Support Portal?

IMPORTANT: All new support contacts should at a minimum take the foundations training for the product they are working with. We strongly recommend taking operations training and available certification(s).
To manage contacts in the Kong customer portal, at least one designated person from your company will have elevated permissions, typically the recipient of the license email. This person will access the "Contacts" tab in the portal's top menu.

Add/Enable a new Support Portal user:

  1. Check if the contact already exists. If yes, skip to step 3.
  2. If not, fill out required fields for a new contact, granting automatic portal access.New Contact
  3. If the contact exists, select them from the organization contacts dropdown and click "Enable User".Enable User

Remove/Disable a Support Portal user:

  1. Find the contact in the Portal Contacts dropdown.
  2. Select the contact and choose "Disable User".Disable User
NOTE: Contact managers cannot delete contacts. Notify your Account Executive or Customer Experience Manager at Kong if there are any contacts which must be deleted.

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